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permanent makeup Rachell Hall



  • Set a reminder for the day of your appointment.

  • Download and fill out your forms and bring them with you.

  • Remember no contact lenses or mascara for your eyeliner procedure.

  • All of your super simple after care products will be provided for you.


Permanent Make up Care Instructions
Apply provided antibiotic ointment once a day in the A.M. Apply A and D ointment around lunch and again around dinner time.




4-5 hours after the procedure, clean the area with sterile water and a cotton pad, gauze or q-tip and allow to air dry. Do not wear mascara for three days.
Apply provided ointment for the first 2-3 days. Then switch to a non-petroleum based product. Coconut oil or shea butter work very well.


Apply a thin coat of provided ointment several times a day for the first 3-5 days. A small non-stick pad will be requried for the first few days to avoid any pain of sticking to your clothing. Wash the area once a day with a mild soap.
Rahell Hall Permanent Makeup


Use a good sunscreen, sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics.

If you are planning a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, or laser procedure inform the technician of your permanent cosmetics.

The use of Retin-A or any other rapid skin exfoliation products used regularly on the forehead area will cause the permanent makeup to the eyebrow area to fade prematurely.

The use of chemical peels and acid peels regularly on the forehead region can also cause eyebrow tattoos to fade prematurely. 



The morning after eyeliner you will be a little puffy, like you cried yourself to sleep.  Don't plan big events like weddings, photo shoots or black tie events that week.

The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Mature clients may need an additional one to two weeks healing for the final results to appear. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of the permanent cosmetic procedures.




Days 1-2 -

Your brows are approximately 20-40% darker, bolder and more solid than your healed result. Under the pigment, the skin is red and pigment has been deposited into the layer of skin containing dead skin cells giving the appearance of darker color. There may be minimal swelling but because the eyebrow area does not retain much fluid, swelling will be limited. The top layers of skin will begin to shed on about days 3-5, and you will see a loss of color. This is normal. Do not scratch or pick at the treated area.

Day 3 -

Your eyebrows may begin to itch and the pigment may appear somewhat raised. Do not scratch or pick.

Days 4-6 -

The skin is now rapidly exfoliating and will shed evenly if left alone. The color under the exfoliating skin will continue to appear light until the epidermis takes on its more transparent characteristics.

4-6 Weeks after -

Now is the time to critique your brows, the tattoo has now become part of the dermis, seen under the epidermis.


Day 1 -


You may experience slightly puffy to swollen eyes. 

Day 2 -


Eyes will be swollen and perhaps “crusty” upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increasing circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying. 

Day 3 -


Eyes will be less swollen, but still tight. The lash area will feel sore if touched.

Day 4 -


Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Do not scratch or pick at the treated area.

Day 5 -


Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis which has detached. Do not scratch or pick.

Day 7 -


All exfoliation should be complete. You're safe to put your face back in direct shower spray. 


Days 1-3 -


Color will be too bright.

Days 4-5 -


Color will begin to exfoliate off. Do not scratch or pick the treated area.

Days 5-7 -


Your lipliner may lose up to 50% of the color and may appear too light. This is normal and to be expected. You now view the color from underneath the skin. Lips change color more than any other procedure. The color slowly returns during the month of healing.

Color can change daily, depending if you are cold, dehydrated, or on certain medications. This is because of the natural blue undertone that all lips have. 

Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 3-4 weeks after procedure.

Avoid heavy sweating for the first 10 days.

No facials, botox, lip fillers, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.



    Rachell Hall is dedicated to your satisfaction, once proceedures have begun, there is a NO refund policy.

                                           Permanent makeup is an art, not an exact science.


Follow Us:

Rachell Hall Classic Beauty

Permanent Makeup & the Art of Breasthetics


8075 East Morgan Trail,   Suite 2,   Scottsdale, AZ 85260
email:           Tel:480-368-9239

Please call for a free consultation


(Morgan Trail is on the corner of Morgan Trail and Hayden Rd.,  between Shea Blvd. and Mountain View 

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